Improvements in multi-dimensional measures of dysfunctional breathing in asthma patients after a combined manual therapy and breathing retraining protocol: a case series report
| By Patrick van Dun | 0 Comments
Improvements in multi-dimensional measures of dysfunctional breathing in asthma patients after a combined manual therapy and breathing retraining protocol: a case series report
Dysfunctional breathing (DB), which is present in 30–65% of asthmatics, can contribute to increased levels of dyspnea and non-respiratory symptoms which respond poorly to usual pharmacological treatment and impact on asthma control and quality of life. Treatments that target DB in asthmatics have been shown to improve symptoms, asthma control, and quality of life and, in some cases, to improve lung function. This case series reports on outcomes of a standardised breathing retraining and manual therapy package in 1 male and 5 females with physician-diagnosed asthma, who were also assessed using biochemical, biomechanical and symptomatic measures of DB … ABSTRACT