Structure et organigramme

Cyril Clouzeau

Cyril Clouzeau is an osteopath and a lecturer in basic sciences since 2001. He has been Head of the ISosteo Lyon research unit from 2010 to 2019. He has a master's degree in philosophy and is a lecturer in the DU of Osteopathy’s philosophy of osteopathy at UCly since 2016. He Participates in osteopathic research activities in France since 2010, writing articles and participating in conferences.

Erwann Jacquot

Erwann JacquotResponsible for the development of the teaching staff in an osteopathy school in Saint-Etienne. Osteopath in a private practice in Annecy. Co-founder of a professional training company. Student at the doctoral school of Sports, Motor and Human Movement Sciences (SSMMH)

Gianni Marangelli

Gianni Marangelli is a liberal osteopath, with an exclusively pediatric activity. He has been appointed as an expert by the HAS (French Authority of Health) for the drafting of recommendations on plagiocephaly, and trains osteopaths and health professionals on this subject. He is president of the association Bébés Plagio 69 (ABP 69).

Mathieu Menard

Mathieu Menard is an osteopath since 2008 and is currently working at the Institut d'Ostéopathie Rennes Bretagne (IO-RB) in France as a teacher-researcher and head of the Research Unit. Mathieu MENARD is also an associate researcher at the Movement, Sport and Health (M2S) laboratory located in Rennes. His current research focuses on the evaluation of osteopathic practice using tools from biomechanics and on the development of new methodologies used in osteopathic teaching.

Olivier Merdy

Olivier Merdy is an osteopath researcher who has worked during twelve years for IdHEO Nantes in France, as Head of Thesis and Research, supervising numerous research projects and student works. He has a MSc in Epidemiological Modelling, granting him a special skill in biostatistics. Today, he is working as a freelance researcher, member of COME France since 2019

Agathe Wagner

Agathe Wagner is an osteopath since 2009, with a mainly pediatric practice, particularly around breastfeeding issues, and attached to the neonatal unit of Argenteuil. She is the head of the research department at CEESO Paris, where she is also a clinical trainer and anatomy teacher. She is the director of the French NACE of COME Collaboration, where she currently supervises the OPERA project.

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