Databases of related interest

1000 Years of Osteopathy is a project funded directly from the Osteopathic Health & W ellness Institute of Steve Sanet, DO, "... in order to preserve of what would otherwise be lost from our profession, the wisdom of those on whose shoulders we stand." The site compiles interviews of well known osteopaths and also contains a discussion forum.

Biotensegrity: Stephen Levin’s website about Biotensegrity and his work on tensegrity in the human body. All of his articles are listet here.

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.

Education Research Information Center: ERIC provides unlimited access to more than 1.4 million bibliographic records of journal articles and other education-related materials, with hundreds of new records added multiple times per week. If possible, links to full text in Adobe PDF format are included.

Fascia research at the University of ULM, Germany.

Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (KVK): Man hat nette Möglichkeiten über Suchbegriffe oder sehr gezielt nach bestimmten Büchern zu suchen und bekommt dann je nach dem welche Suchkataloge man angegeben hat sehr konkrete Angaben in welcher Bibliothek sich etwas befindet und kann dann über Fernleihe die Bücher i.d.Regel auch ausleihen.

Santa Fe Institute (SFI) is a private, not-for-profit, independent research and education center founded in 1984, for multidisciplinary collaborations in the physical, biological, computational, and social sciences. Understanding of complex adaptive systems is critical to addressing key environmental, technological, biological, economic, and political challenges.

Science direct is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from nearly 2,500 journals and 26,000 books.

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.

Social Science Open Access Repository: Das Social Science Open Access Repository (SSOAR), ein Open-Access-Dokumentenserver für die Sozialwissenschaften, dient der Erschließung und Archivierung wissenschaftlicher Literatur (Volltexte) aus den deutschsprachigen wie internationalen Sozialwissenschaften.

The Meredian Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to researching holistic and integrative approaches to wellness and healing. The Meredian Institute is actively involved in researching and applying various forms of manual therapy, particularly traditional osteopathy.

Tensegrity in a cell, in the Research section of the Children's Hospital Boston website. The Ingber Lab: Donald E. Ingber presents his work about Tensegrity. All his research articles and those of his team are free for download.

The Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research (FCER), founded in 1944, was the oldest and most respected chiropractic research-funding institution in the world which decided on self-liquidation after serving the chiropractic profession for more than 60 years. The FCER created an evidence-based Web page - DCConsult - in 2008.

The Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research (GFMER) is a non-profit organisation established in 2002. It is supported by the Department of Health of the Canton of Geneva, the Department of Social Affairs of the City of Geneva, the Faculty of Medicine, Geneva University, and the Geneva Medical Association, and works in close collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). GFMER is a WHO Collaborating Centre in Education and Research in Human Reproduction.


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