Databases in osteopathic medicine

Osteoevidence is an Italian project, born from osteopaths, to be the first web app/database containing scientific literature on osteopathic medicine and osteopathic treatment, it is a free database that count more than 6000 reviews, guidelines and trials regarding Osteopathy and Osteopathic medicine.
The database includes the most rigorous osteopathic literature from the main research databases (Medline, Embase, Cochrane, Ostmed, Osteolib, JOM (JAOA), IJOM, Google Scholar), and all studies that, directly or indirectly, are related to Osteopathic treatment.

OSTLIB is an independent database for osteopathic studies and professional articles and is free of charge. It was developed according to the plans of the osteopath Helge Franke and maintained and further developed by the Institute for Osteopathic Studies (INIOST). The aim of OSTLIB is to make the entire spectrum of osteopathic studies and professional articles accessible and to keep it accessible to the user via simplified search routines. OSTLIB is still in the testing phase and we are constantly working to improve the database. If you find any mistakes or omissions of osteopathic studies, we would be pleased to receive a short message.

Osteopathic Research Web is a collaboration of the Wiener Schule für Osteopathie and schools in Europe. The references and abstracts of osteopathic research projects are submitted to a database that is accessible via internet from all over the world for free, presenting osteopathic research not just to the osteopathic community but also to the interested public.

Osteopathic Medicine Digital Repository
 (OSTMED.DR) : When funding for OSTMED® ended in 2003 those interested in osteopathic research and scholarship were concerned about the future of collecting, disseminating and having Internet access to the osteopathic literature. VCOM and its partner, VTLS, Inc., conceived the idea of a digital library and submitted a proposal to the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and he American Academy of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) which was approved by March 2006. OSTMED.DR® was created using VTLS. solution, VITAL, a digital repository and management system that is designed to simplify the development of digital collections and provide seamless online search and retrieval of information.

Contents are:

  • Journal of Osteopathy v.4 (2,4-12) 1897; v.5 (1-7) 1898
  • JAOA - 2000 to 2006 from AOA's webpage / full issues / pdf
  • JAOA - 1990's full issues / most in pdf
  • JAOA - 1980's full issues / currently implementing pdf
  • Bibliographic Records from OSTMED®

Glossary of Osteopathic Terminology :
It can be confusing to navigate through the medical jargon, especially when you're suffering from a frightening illness. To help you sort out the lingo or to simply help your research, use this extensive Glossary of Osteopathic Terminology of the American Osteopathic Association.

Archives of non active journals

Osteopathic Medicine and Primary Care (OMPC) was an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that encompassed all aspects of family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, and obstetrics and gynecology. The journal no longer receives submissions; BioMed Central hosts an archive of all articles previously published in the journal.

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