2019 Programme

Friday 18th October 2019

Please note that: the Program of the Conference is not complete and may be subject to change

The Conference will be held in English language with translation into Italian language.

09:00-13:00 morning session


08:30 Registration of participants
From 8,30 to 9 am It will be possible to register at the desk to receive nominal badges and congress kit

09:00 Opening ceremony

09:10 Authorities

  • Alessandro Rapisarda – Docente CSDOI Catania
  • Presidente ROI: Paola Sciomachen
  • Presidente AISO – associazione Italiana scuole di osteopatia – Gina Barlafante


Moderator: Paul Vaucher 

09:15 Allostasis and stress across the life span - Andrea Sgoifo
Contents in progress 

10:00 Interoception as a meaningful element for allostasis - Francesco Cerritelli

10:20 The allostatic Mind - Fabrizio Piras

10:40 Discussion

11:00 Coffee break

 Moderator: Jorge Esteves 

11:30 Philosophical issues in defining the concepts of allostasis and allostatic load and their implications for osteopathic practice and research - Hilary Abbey
The contrasting philosophical perspectives that underpin physiological concepts of allostatic load lead to different methods of assessment. It is important to understand these differences in order to develop research that is congruent with osteopathic principles. In this lecture, I suggest that a bio-medical focus on relationships between separate de-personalised and decontextualised physiological processes, as illustrated by some current research, does not align fully with a holistic philosophy of osteopathic practice. I would argue that an appropriate research focus for exploring allostasis in osteopathic practice would be via the psychosocial aspects of the biopsychosocial model. This would acknowledge the centrality of each individual’s existential context and aim to uncover complex patient-centred narratives, understand embodied relationships with the environment and explore the meaning of patients’ behaviour and response capabilities.

12:15 Allostatic load and visceral pain dysfunction- Phil Austin
 In my presentation I will present the how effects of physical, psychological and social stressors induce dysregulation in the brain-gut-microbiota axis due to increases in allostatic loading. This axis involves the bidirectional, enduring communication between the brain and spinal circuits that include autonomic, neuroimmune and of course pain modulatory pathways and the enteric nervous system and gut microbiota. Here, overwhelming evidence shows stressors not only increase sensitivity in central systems but also gut motility, intestinal permeability and gut microbiota composition. Thus, symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome reflect these changes that include alterations in bowel habit, bloating and abdominal pain

12:35 Clinical management of allostatic load: a manual medicine perspective - Christian Fossum

h. 12:55 Discussion

h.13:00 Lunch break

h.13:30 Poster Presentation


14:30 - 18:00 Afternoon session

Workshop Parallel Session

1st workshop session

Workshop 1: New Approach for Touch Interpretation Valuing and Emphasizing on INteroception for OSTeopathic diagnosis after MEDitative states (Native in Ost Med) - Rafael Zegarra Parodi
The aim of this workshop is to present participants with opportunities to critically appraise their own diagnostic palpation procedures, including their accuracy and reliability, and to subsequently critically discuss and practice procedures largely focused on their perceptions.  Discussions and practice will be informed by relevant research in the field of neuroscience, particularly on multisensory integration, interoception and brain meditative states. Amongst those procedures, meditative music such as Native American traditional music will be proposed, highlighting a less known historical aspect of A.T. Still’s life, who may have been familiar with Native American healing traditions when he was living with his family among a Shawnee tribe in Kansas. It is anticipated that participants will develop a basic framework which will enable them to critically appreciate the value of using meditative states to improve their diagnostic palpatory capabilities.

Workshop 2: Teaching palpation Going Further and meet allostasis? - Andrée Aubin, Alain Bouchard, Chantal Morin
 This workshop will allow participants to explore ways to use the palpation protocol in different contexts -clinical, research, or teaching- to link the teaching of palpation to analytical as well as non-analytic reasoning processes, and to connect palpatory findings to recent researches on interoception, chronic pain and allostasis.
Workshop 3: Research oral presentations
Moderator: Jorge Esteves 

  • “Cerebral perfusion changes after osteopathic manipulative treatment in asymptomatic volunteers: a randomized manual placebo-controlled trial” Marco Tramontano
  • “Tissue allostasis, how to measure change: the use of the durometer in osteopathic clinical practice” Andrea Buscemi
  • “Effects of osteopathic treatment on somatosensory deficit in the elderly: a randomized controlled trial” Anaëlle Reulet
  • “What makes an osteopathic treatment “effective” in patients’ perspective: a descriptive phenomenological study”Giacomo Consorti
  • “A New Perspective for Somatic Dysfunction in Osteopathy: the Variability Model” Andrea Bregna
Workshop 4: Advances in biomechanics and 3D analysis - Lea Awai & Mathieu Menard
One important shared vision of osteopathic principles among osteopathic professionals is the link between structure and function. Advances in neuroscience, behavioural therapy, imaging and 3D analysis has changed the way we perceive and understand these links in biomechanics. This workshop will develop the concept of applied integrated biomechanics. 

16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:00
2nd workshop session

Workshop 1: Practitioners confidence and trust for patients positive change - does it make a difference? - Hilary Abbey
The workshop will explore the effects of verbal interventions like placebo communication and cognitive reassurance on patients’ stress reactions and its potential impact on decreasing allostatic load. The session will include exploration of the evidence supporting these interventions and practical activities about strategies for developing confidence and trust with patients which can be integrated routine clinical osteopathic practice.
Workshop 2: Exploring non-specific effects of osteopathic care - Paul Vaucher, Francesco Cerritelli

Osteopaths have developed traditional skills and knowledge appreciated by patients but not always recognised by the osteopaths themselves. Education and research often focus on osteopathic manipulative treatment itself without always acknowledging other important components of care. Advances in research however suggests that an important part of benefits from osteopathic care can arise from movement in the absence of pain, enhancing self-confidence, positive reinforcement, and increasing awareness. This workshop aims to explore some of these principles and open the discussion on how best to integrate and explore them in clinical practice and research. 

Workshop 3: Diagnosis in osteopathy. Palpatory osteopathic syndromes as methodological principles of the profession - Dmitry Mokhov & Cyril Clouzeau
Due to inadequate formalization of osteopathic performance requirements and lack of precise concepts, terms and standards, some problems emerged when osteopathy is integrated into the healthcare system. It is necessary to have a precise definition and methodology of osteopathy, to study somatic dysfunction as a specific object of research and treatment and to develop a standard form of osteopathic assessment. In order to standardize the process of osteopathic diagnosis and formalize the osteopathic assessment, we have expanded and deepened the definition of the term «somatic dysfunction». The workshop will explore these elements within a critical and up-to-date view.
Workshop 4: Clinical management of allostatic load: a manual medicin perspective - Christian Fossum
Contents in progress 


The Gala dinner is scheduled for Friday, October 18, 2019 is open to all participants and it will be held at the Restaurant of the Grand Hotel Baia Verde – Catania.

The cost of the dinner is € 50.00 to be paid upon registration.

Saturday 19 October 2019

08:30-13:00 morning session



08:30 Registration

09:00 Opening

  Moderator: Christian Lunghi 

09:15 Vegetative system as output of allostatic adaptations -

10: 00 Stress and allostasis: a snapshot from PNEI - Nicola Barsotti

10: 20 Predective processing and allostatic regulation in clinical practice - Jorge Esteves

10:40 Discussion
Spoiler content

11:00 Coffee break
Spoiler content

 Moderator: Rafael Zegarra Parodi 

11:30 Allostatic regulation and symptom management within a biopsychosocial framework - Jorge Esteves

12:15 Integrated allostatic approach: the new vision of patient-centred health care - Francesco Cerritelli

12:35 Discussion & COME Award Cerimony

13:00 Lunch Break

13:30 Poster Presentation



14:30 - 18:00 Afternoon session

Workshop Parallel Session

1st workshop session

Workshop 1: Allostatic load and visceral pain dysfunction - Philippe Austin
Contents in progress 
Workshop 2: Touching allostatic load? A world cafe for osteopathic community conversation - Christian Lunghi
The final aim of this workshop is to obtain a collaborative dialogue between participants around questions that matter in service of osteopathic care. A World Cafe session will be organized to discuss and identify a communal diagnostic and clinical reasoning coherent with the osteopathic traditional tenets and informed by allostatic adaptations assessment. 
Workshop 3: PNEI in the clinical practice - Nicola Barsotti, Diego Lanaro, Alessandro Casini
Contents in progress 
Workshop 4: Research and oral presentations
Moderator: Jorge Esteves 

  • “Cranial versus local osteopathic techniques on diaphragmatic motion: David against Goliath?” Damiana Mancini
  • “Does the allostatic load affect body oscillations? Recognizing the dysfunctional sphere” Andrea Buscemi
  • “Effects of osteopathic treatment versus static touch on heart rate and oxygen saturation in premature babies: a randomized controlled trial” Andrea Manzotti
  • “Chronicisation risk of low back pain patients : an osteopaths’ assessment” Wagner Agathe
  • “Which strategies to osteopaths in the prevention of sedentary lifestyle?” Ronan Vitali

16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break

16:30 - 17:15
2nd workshop session

These workshops will be independently chosen at conference site. This session will provide updates regarding the activities of National CEntre (NACE) of the Non-profit Foundation C.O.ME. Collaboration.

Workshop 1: Presentation by the NAtional CEntre ITALY -
Contents in progress 
Workshop 2: Presentation by the NAtional CEntre BELGIUM - Patrick Van Dun
The OPERA project  
Workshop 3: Presentation by the NAtional CEntre GERMANY -
Contents in progress 
Workshop 4: Presentation by the NAtional CEntre CANADA - Alain Bouchard
Allostasis after concussion/MTBI : multidisciplinary and innovative approach for working on the neuro-lymphatic system and glymphatic system.  Complementarity of hyperbaric therapy, supervised interval cycling training, and osteopathy 
17:30 - 18:00 Closing ceremony

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