2017 – Final Programme

Simultaneous translation Spanish-English / English-Spanish will be provided

Pre-Conference Day - September 29, 2017

Pre-conference Workshops (14:00 - 17:00)

13:30Pre-conference Workshops and Conference Registration
14:00 - 17:00Pre-conference Workshops
W1Swampy and complex: the contribution of qualitative research to the evidence based osteopathy
Oliver Thomson
W2Designing and conducting osteopathic research: formulating a research question
Patrick van Dun and Rafael Zegarra-Parodi
W3Designing and conducting pragmatic searches of the evidence
Ivan Solà

Day 1 - September 30, 2017

Morning session

8:30 Registration
9:00 Opening Francesco Cerritelli & Gerard Alvarez
9:05 Welcome Speech Sandra Lois - ROE President
9:15 COME Collaboration: the research marries the multidisciplinary innovation Francesco Cerritelli
9:30 COME Spain National Centre - the new reality for osteopathic innovation Gerard Alvarez

Session 1 - Biomechanics

Biomechanics - the study of the structure and function of biological systems - has always played a prominent role in osteopathy. However throughout the years its original concept and definition has been diverted toward a pure linear mechanistic approach, leaving behind key aspects relevant for the optimisation of clinical practice.  This session will explore a renewed vision of biomechanics making available to clinicians and researchers crucial elements useful for a significant improvement of the daily clinical scenario

Moderator: Patrick van Dun

9:45 Are spinal kinematic changes maintained following recovery from injury and pain free return to activity? Paul Bell
10:05 Clinical biomechanics of soft tissues, including fascia: understanding theory to master practice Walid Salem
10:25 Spino-pelvic sagittal alignment and back and hip pain prevalence in young elite athletes Carl Todd
10:45 Q&A
11:05 Coffee break and poster presentation

Session 2 - Touch

Given that the sense of touch plays a critical role in osteopathy, this session will explore the potential mechanisms by which stimulation of the skin senses can exert beneficial physiological and psychological effects, aiding growth and development. The session will review a class of low threshold mechanosensitive c-fibre, named c-tactile afferents, which respond optimally to gentle, slow moving touch are likely to play a direct and significant role in the efficacy of manual therapies. Then it will discuss the impact the type and quality of touch plays in therapeutic tactile interventions and in particular the neuroscience underpinning these effects will aid the development of more targeted, population specific interventions.

Moderator: Francesco Cerritelli

11:30Keynote lecture: The Touch That Matters Most
Francis McGlone
12:10Exploring the effects of mindfulness informed osteopathy for patients with chronic pain (OsteoMAP)
Hilary Abbey
12:50Discussion / round table

Day 1 - September 30, 2017

Afternoon workshop session (14:30 - 18:30)

Workshop 1Osteopathic clinical reasoning: decision-making process and adaptive salutogenic treatment based on the five models
Christian Lunghi
Workshop 2The neurobiology of touch applied to the osteopathic practice
F. McGlone & F. Cerritelli

Day 2 - October 1, 2017

Morning session

Francesco Cerritelli
09:00Keynote lecture: Challenges and opportunities in research of non-pharmacological interventions: The case of manual therapy
Gerard Urrutia
09:30Health Economic Value of Osteopathy (HEVO study)
Patrick van Dun

Session 3 - Placebo

The placebo effect is a multifaceted neuropsychobiological phenomenon influencing  patient’ response to both real and non-real treatment. Non-real or placebo treatment is an “inert” treatment, better defined as an intervention lacking of the active or specific principle to be tested. Placebo treatment is able to influence remarkably outcomes through several neuropsychobiological systems. Although it has been argued the strategic use of placebo to improve outcomes in real clinical scenarios, in research context the placebo phenomenon has an ambivalent value. The aim of the session will be to review the research evidence and contextualise this evidence in the clinical context.

Moderator: Sonia Roura

10:10Placebo Effect: A Challenge in Clinical Research
Antoni Morral
10:30Placebo and manual therapies
Francesco Cerritelli
10:50Ethics, deception in placebo clinical and research
Marco Annoni
11:20Coffee Break
11:45Abstract presentations
 The beliefs and attitudes of UK registered osteopaths towards chronic pain and the management of chronic pain sufferers - a cross-sectional questionnaire based survey
Roy Macdonald
 You have permission to touch me providing you are doing it therapeutically and properly” A qualitative study into the perception of touch in the osteopathy
Catherine Roberts
 ‘Talking a different language’: a qualitative study of chronic low back pain patients' interpretation of the language used by student osteopaths
Oliver Thomson
 Osteopathy 2.0 new tech, complexity and osteopathic vision
Marco Abbro
 Chronic trapezius myalgia (CTM) in computer workers, relation between pain, body image and disability
Alexandre Nunes
13:00Closing ceremony

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