Clinical application of visceral thoracic osteopathic manipulations in heart rate variability measurement with photoplethysmography for stress-related symptoms: a case report

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25 January 2021

Clinical application of visceral thoracic osteopathic manipulations in heart rate variability measurement with photoplethysmography for stress-related symptoms: a case report

Heart rate variability (HRV) is the change in frequency from one heartbeat to the next, due to the adaptation of the heart’s rhythm in response to an internal or external stimulus. Increased HRV has been reported as a potential indicator of general health. The relationship between structure and function is one of the guiding principles of osteopathy; it considers anatomy essential for explaining physiological dysfunction. There is a paucity of research on the effects of Osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) on the effects of HRV. We hypothesize that OMM can be used safely and to help promote healthier HRV. We herein report on a case of improved HRV after serial OMM sessions .. MORE

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