

Full length publications

Peer reviewed

Osteopathy: Italian professional profile. A professional commentary by a group of experts of the European community of practice.


Osteopathy became recently regulated as a healthcare profession in Italy. The Italian legislation classifies osteopathy as a healthcare profession, which focuses on health prevention and maintenance with a role in rehabilitation and functional psychosocial recovery. The legislative framework also lays down the osteopathic professional profile. Osteopaths are described as healthcare practitioners who deliver osteopathic person-centered care focused on the musculoskeletal system and the concept of somatic dysfunction...


Non peer reviewed
Van Ballart C, van Dun P. Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the osteopathic practice: results of a Swiss survey and comparison with the Belgian situation, About Osteopathy, 2021; 3: 33-35.
van Dun P. Gebrek aan evidence - stel u tevreden met een imperfecte medische zorg: het geval van de orthopedische chirurgie, About Osteopathy, 2021; 3: 28-30.
van Dun P, Roncada G, Simons E. Le Règlement Formation Continue des Ostéopathes : pour permettre des soins de qualité et répondre aux besoins de la profession, About Osteopathy, 2021; 3: 20-22.
van Dun P, Roncada G, Simons E. Het Reglement Bijscholing voor Osteopaten: kwaliteitszorg mogelijk maken en voldoen aan de behoeften van de beroepsgroep, About Osteopathy, 2021; 3: 16-18.
van Dun P. Hoe schrijft men een casusverslag in de osteopathische praktijk? Comment rédiger une étude de cas dans la pratique ostéopathique? About Osteopathy, 2021; 2: 34-39.
van Dun P, Dobbelaere E. Verbreding van de scope of practice betekent niet meteen verdieping van onze osteopathische praktijk, About Osteopathy, 2021; 1: 21-23.
van Dun P, Dobbelaere E. Etendre le champ d'application (scope of practice) de notre profession ne signifie pas immédiatement approfondir notre pratique professionelle, About Osteopathy, 2021; 1: 25-27.


van Dun P, Osteopathie bij huilbaby's: de wetenschappelijke onderbouw ontbreekt: Brief aan de redactie, 2021; vol.3, DOI: 10.47671/TVG.77.21.006. (Dutch)


Full length publications

The Italian Osteopathic Practitioners Estimates and RAtes (OPERA) study: How osteopaths work.


The scope of practice of the osteopathic profession in Italy is underreported. The first part of the present study investigated the Italian osteopaths' profile, focusing on the socio-demographic information and geographical distribution together with the main characteristics of their education. The OPERA-IT study highlighted that the majority of respondents declared to work as sole practitioners (58.4%), while the remaining declared to work as part of a team. Since teamwork and networking are recognized as fundamental aspects of healthcare, the present study aims to compare the osteopathic practice, diagnostic and treatment modalities of osteopaths who work as a sole practitioner and osteopaths who work as part of a team to highlight possible differences. Moreover, patients' characteristics will be presented...


The Spanish Osteopathic Practitioners Estimates and RAtes (OPERA) study: A cross-sectional survey.


Despite the growth of the osteopathic profession in Spain in the last few years, reliable information regarding professional profile and prevalence is still lacking. The Osteopathic Practitioners Estimates and RAtes (OPERA) project was developed as a European-based survey dedicated to profiling the osteopathic profession across Europe. The present study aims to describe the characteristics of osteopathic practitioners, their professional profile and the features of their clinical practice.


Models and theoretical frameworks for osteopathic care – a critical view and call for updates and research.


A health profession often owns its identity by the originality and relevance of therapeutic models it defends. Historically, part of the success of osteopathic care among patients may be explained by the innovative approaches that emerged in the first 100 years of its existence. During this time, osteopathic models and principles defended concepts that were to become central across health disciplines in the 21st century. In Western medicine, osteopathy was indeed among the first medical disciplines to emphasise the importance of person-centred care...


van Dun P, Wagner C. Richtige Kommunikation in unserem Beruf : ein internationales Anliegen. DO – Deutsche Zeitschrift für Osteopathie 2020; 18: 40–43

van Dun P. Kunnen osteopaten bijdragen aan de zorg van mensen met COVID-19? About Osteopathy, 2020; 2: 20-22.

van Dun P, Zegarra-Parodi R. "Osteopathic Manual Treatment" (OMT) ou "Orthopaedic Manual Therapy" (OMT): quelle est vraiment la différence? About Osteopathy, 2020; 1: 18-25.

Technical Reports 

The COVID-19 Guide Consortium: Collomb R, Macdonald R, Schira F, van Dun P, Vaucher P. COVID-19 – Hygiënerichtlijnen voor osteopathische praktijken. Version 2.0 Foundation COME Collaboration, Pescara, Italy; 3 July 2020.

The Covid-19 Guide Consortium: Collomb R, Macdonald R, Schira F, van Dun P, Vaucher P. COVID-19 Guide – Adaptive hygiene guidance for osteopathic practices. Version 2.0. Foundation COME Collaboration, Pescara, Italy ; 1 June 2020.

van Dun P, Dobbelaere E, Simons E. Een kwantitatief onderzoek naar de bekendheid en het imago van de osteopathie in België in opdracht van de Beroepsvereniging voor Belgische Osteopaten ( ), 2020, Brussel.

van Dun P, Dobbelaere E, Simons E. Une étude quantitative mesurant la connaissance et l’image de l’ostéopathie en Belgique pour le compte de l’Union Professionnelle des Ostéopathes de Belgique (UPOB-BVBO), 2020, Bruxelles.

Dornieden R, van Dun P, Brownhill K, Pappas Y, Vogel S (2020). Exploration of the characteristics of German osteopaths and osteopathic physicians: Survey development and implementation. Report. University College of Osteopathy, London.


Full length publications

The Italian Osteopathic Practitioners Estimates and RAtes (OPERA) study: A cross sectional survey.


The prevalence of osteopathic practitioners, their professional profile and features of their clinical practice, particularly where statutory regulation does not yet exist, are still significantly underreported. The Osteopathic Practitioners Estimates and RAtes (OPERA) project was developed as an European-based census dedicated to profiling the osteopathic profession across Europe. The present study aimed to describe the osteopathic practitioners and the profession in Italy. A voluntary, online based, closed-ended survey was distributed across Italy in the period between February and June 2017....


van Dun P. Holisme in de osteopathie: de kloof overbruggen tussen concept en praktijk About Osteopathy, 2019; 1: 28-33.

van Dun P, Verbeeck J, Esteves J, Cerritelli F. Osteopathic Practitioners Estimates and RAtes (OPERA) study Belgium - Luxembourg: Part I, About Osteopathy, 2019; 1: 20-26.

van Dun P. Het imago van de osteopathie in België 2019: "voor alle duidelijkheid" About Osteopathy, 2019; 2: 19-22.

van Dun P, Verbeeck J, Esteves J, Cerritelli F. Osteopathic Practitioners Estimates and RAtes (OPERA) study Belgium - Luxembourg: Part II - About Osteopathy, 2019; 2: 31-36.

Wagner C, van Dun P. Oraal squameus celcarcinoom (OSCC), een mogelijke rol voor osteopathie in het kader van een multidiciplinaire nazorg: een casusrapport About Osteopathy, 2019; 3: 31-35.


van Dun P. Opinie: 'Belgische osteopaten hebben al lang geleden resoluut de keuze gemaakt voor Evidence Based Medicine' - Knack, 2019

van Dun P, Dobbelaere E. Interview: 'Osteopathie is een natte droom voor een minister van Volksgezondheid! - Knack, 2019,

van Dun P. Interview: 'USA, Italien, Niederlande und Deutschland führend in Faszienforschung', Osteopathie: Das Praxismagazin, Verband der Osteopathen Deutschland e.V., Ausgabe 1/2019, S. 16-17.


van Dun P, Evidenz Informierte Osteopathie (EIO): die schwierige Beziehung zur Praxis, 30 J. Jubiläum College Sutherland, 11.05.2019, Schlangenbad (Germany)

van Dun P, Workshop session: the OPERA Project, COME to Quantum Global Conference, 19-19 October 2019, Catania (Italy)

Alvarez G, Roura S, Cerritelli F, Esteves JE, Verbeeck J, van Dun P. The Spanish Osteopathic Practitioners Estimates and RAtes (OPERA): A cross sectional survey, COME to Quantum Global Conference, 19-19 October 2019, Catania (Italy) (Poster)


Full length publications

An overview of osteopathy graduates’ perceived preparedness at transition from educational environment to clinic environment one year after graduation: a cross sectional study.


This study investigated perceived preparedness to practice, one year after graduation across osteopathic education institutions (OEIs) and explored possible differences between countries where osteopathy is regulated (Reg) and countries where it is not (Unreg).


Osteopathic care for spinal complaints: A systematic literature review.


The aim of the current study was to evaluate the literature examining the impact of osteopathic care for spinal complaints. The bibliographic databases Medline (Pubmed), Web of Science, Embase, and PEDro were searched. In addition, a number of grey literature sources were searched. Only randomized controlled trials conducted in high-income Western countries were considered. Two authors independently screened the titles and abstracts. Primary outcomes included ‘pain’ and ‘functional status’, while secondary outcomes included ‘medication use’ and ‘health status’.


Verhaeghe N, Schepers J, van Dun P, Annemans L. Osteopathic care for low back pain and neck pain: a cost-utility analysis - Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2018, 40:207-213.

van Dun P, Simons E., Roncada G., Van den Bergh I. Eseignement de l'ostéopathie en Belgique - About Osteopathy, 2018; 4: 22-27.

van Dun P, Simons E., Roncada G., Van den Bergh I. Osteopathie-onderwijs in België - About Osteopathy, 2018; 3: 16-21.

van Dun P. "Viscerale Osteopathie" revisited - About Osteopathy, 2018; 3: 28-31.

van Dun P. Het enigma somatische disfunctie - About Osteopathy, 2018; 1: 16-19. 


Verhaeghe N, Schepers J, van Dun PLS, Annemans L, Health Economic Value of Osteopathy (HEVO-Project), Meeting of the European Parliament Interest Group MEPs for CAM: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): its benefits for EU citizens with musculoskeletal disorders, 2018, February 21, Brussels (Belgium).

Verhaeghe N, Schepers J, van Dun PLS, Annemans L, Effectiviteit van osteopathie voor patiënten met rugklachten (HEVO-studie), Dag van de osteopathie: Rugpijn, 2018, april 28, Brussel (België).

Verhaeghe N, Schepers J, van Dun P, Annemans L, Osteopathic care for low back pain and neck pain: a cost-utility analysis, second Emirates Osteopathic Conference, 2018, September 28-29, Dubai (UAE).

Technical reports

van Dun P.L.S., Hermans B., Osteopathie: een medische praktijk in de eerste lijn, 2018, tweee druk, Belgische Vereniging voor Osteopathie, erkende Beroepsvereniging van de Belgische Osteopaten (BVBO-UPOB), Brussel.

van Dun P.L.S., Hermans B., Osteopathy: a primary healthcare profession, 2018, second edition, Belgian Association for Osteopathy, acknowledged professional association for osteopaths in Belgium (BVBO-UPOB), Brussels.


Full length publications

van Dun PLS, Letter to the editor, 2017, International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 2017; 23: 59-60.

van Dun PLS, De drie pijlers van de osteopathie, nog steeds een pijnpunt, About Osteopathy, 2017; 1: 19-23.

van Dun PLS, Het vermarkten van ons beroep: osteopathie - Quo vadis?, About Osteopathy, 2017; 2: 19-20.

van Dun PLS, Evidence Informed Osteopathy (EIO): de moeilijke relatie met de praktijk, About Osteopathy, 2017; 2: 23-26.

van Dun PLS, Klinische modellen in de osteopathie: de zoektocht naar een performanter kader, About Osteopathy, 2017; 3: 15-16.

van Dun PLS, Ons vak in de uitverkoop … wat doen we eraan?, About Osteopathy, 2017; 4: 16-18.


van Dun PLS, Hoe viscera te "behandelen"? Semantiek, osteopathische waarden en fysiologie, Symposium Viscera, Nederlandse Osteopathie Federatie, 2017, 18 maart, Eemnes (Nederland).

Verhaeghe N, Schepers J, van Dun PLS, Annemans L, Health Economic Value of Osteopathy (HEVO Project), AGM European Federation of Osteopaths, 2017, February 4, Helsinki (Finland).

Verhaeghe N, Schepers J, van Dun PLS, Annemans L, Health Economic Value of Osteopathy (HEVO Project), Quantum COME Conference, 2017, October 1st, Barcelona (Spain).


Full length publications

van Dun PLS, Nicolaie MA, Van Messem A, State of affairs of osteopathy in the Benelux: Benelux Osteosurvey 2013, International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 2016; 20: 3-17.


van Dun P.L.S. Osteopath Practitioners Estimates and RAtes (OPERA): census studies across Europe, second COME QUANTUM Conference, 2016, October 8, Mechelen (Belgium).


Full length publications

Learning Environment, Preparedness and Satisfaction in Osteopathy in Europe: The PreSS Study.


  1. to assess the preparedness to practice and satisfaction in learning environment amongst new graduates from European osteopathic institutions;
  2. to compare the results of preparedness to practice and satisfaction in learning environment between and within countries where osteopathy is regulated and where regulation is still to be achieved;
  3. to identify possible correlations between learning environment and preparedness to practice.


Technical reports

van Dun P.L.S.; Barrix D. Osteopathie en EBM, 2015, Belgische Vereniging voor Osteopathie, erkende Beroepsvereniging van de Belgische Osteopaten (BVBO-UPOB), Brussel.

van Dun P.L.S., Hermans B., Osteopathie: een medische praktijk in de eerste lijn, 2015, Belgische Vereniging voor Osteopathie, erkende Beroepsvereniging van de Belgische Osteopaten (BVBO-UPOB), Brussel.

Barrix D., De Cock H., van Dun P.L.S. Clinical Guidelines binnen de osteopathie: Document op vraag van de Kamer voor Osteopathie, Groepering Nationaal en Representatief van de Professionele Osteopaten vzw (GNRPO vzw), Brussel, update 2015


Full length publications

van Dun P.L.S., Wagner C. L’identité de l’ostéopathie en Europe : “finding the pony”, La Revue de l’Ostéopathie, 2014; 11: 23-30.


van Dun P.L.S.; Putseys H.; Van Alsenoy C.; Serneels S.; Devolder A.; Willemen M.; Vandenbril D.; De Backer W.A. The influence of external abdominal and thoracic pressure on the intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure, measured by a combined intragastric and intra-oesophageal method, Biological Mechanisms of Osteopathy, Rome, Italy, 2014, September 27-28.

van Dun P.L.S. Benelux Osteosurvey 2013, The General Assembly of the Forum for Osteopathic Regulation in Europe (FORE), Vienna, Austria, 7th June 2014.

Technical reports

van Dun P.L.S. Status van de Osteopathie in de Benelux: Benelux Osteosurvey 2013, Mechelen, Commission for Osteopathic Research, Practice and Promotion vzw (CORPP vzw).

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